Connectivity With CoreSite

​​Increasingly complex digital business demands require infrastructure performance and flexibility. Whether you need to digitize customer experiences, optimize performance, or scale on-demand, CoreSite delivers purpose-built data centers and a highly interconnected ecosystem, which holistically ensure you are future-ready and able to grow your business.

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CoreSite: At the Center of Your IT Infrastructure

CoreSite, an American Tower company, serves as the ideal interconnection hub to build and deploy a hybrid IT strategy to monetize and future proof your business. CoreSite centralizes direct access to partners in your digital ecosystem and provides the IT nexus for top cloud providers, service integrators, networks, and fellow enterprises to interoperate and collaborate to accelerate business initiatives. 

As 5G deployment accelerates, CoreSite and American Tower are building a digital future together and revolutionizing cloud-to-edge infrastructure. Leveraging CoreSite’s highly interconnected data center facilities and critical cloud onramps and American Tower’s existing tower real estate footprint, we are well-positioned to provide the infrastructure for emerging edge compute opportunities.


Your Hybrid IT Solution Nexus

Hybrid IT Solutions Nexus

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